Wednesday, April 20, 2011


My Hero wrote the other day on face book, “We need a hero”
I replied “Is there any Heroes, Knights, or Captains left?

Are you holding your breath for a hero to appear? Every one is looking to someone else to rescue them from their troubles. The world is looking for a Hero or two; with the Japan problem; and it is still releasing lots of radiation into the air, water, and land, and yes, it has raised the radiation levels on the North American Continent. We are in big trouble and no way to fix it. Is it heroic to have an escape plan in place, retreat…, has anyone thought that maybe a good answer would be. The Hero we so desperately need is in each and every one of us. The heart of a hero beats with courage and is fueled by compassion. Could it be the Hero we need is no more than an idea and a dream Kattiemc2?

We could hold industries accountable, make them pay to clean up their mess and pay their taxes - That wouldn’t work because they would threaten to close down and withhold funding to government campaigns, that would mean job lost. - It is better we die of decease due to the mess of pollutions we live in now. Or people would have to give up their cars, which would effects the energy sector. No, that won’t work.

Lets build a big space ship and move industries off the planet, creates jobs, and with the vast amounts of raw materials available in space, lots of money to be made – It wouldn’t work because that would require international corporations and governments to work together. No, it is long term, and it won’t turn a quick buck and we are not done exploiting the earth. Sorry, if that sounds harsh.

With the mess we have made, the intelligent thing to do would be to “Have an escape plan”  build a space ship and move as many as we can carry off the planet and into space to explore and colonize our known universe – Noah’s arch, or in our case Kattiemc2 the Crystal Technology to fuel a ship, Cleanly. It sounds and reads like Science fiction, but it has great usable possibilities. Space exploration would create lots of jobs, in every sector and in every country. It would stabilize the economy and renew hope to the middle class and poor. In the build of the ships, many of the technologies can be converted and use on earth to help clean it up and feed the masses. It would create an industry in space exploration; and effecting stability in many countries. The technologies would allow each country to maintain self efficient local economies. Employing and feeding the local populations, and allowing each country not to be dependent on world trade or fuels, not eliminating it.

Millions of people are jobless, homeless and hungry, a growing problem world wide, and it is causing civil unrest everywhere. The earth its’ self is in a state of unrest with earthquakes and volcanoes. What do you expect when we have exploded over 2000 nuclear bombs on this planet since 1949? The weather driven by the pollution and the pollution itself is costing millions of lives yearly. We build our homes in some of the worst spots on this planet, are we suckers for punishment. Is it due to the greedy, underhanded, corrupt, self motivated candidates that are in government? Is it the war mongering and quest for power at our expense? Most Governments world wide, forget that they are put in power “by the people and for the people,” for our betterment and protection. They are just employees of the Country, State, Provence, City, District etc. They are truthfully accountable to “we the people.”

And last but not least we have become a throw away society. Ever thing we do is made to be thrown away. If it lasts more than five years, it won’t make a big enough profit, for a few of the elite. I say a few because only 1 % of the population has the money to do anything about it; we have priced ourselves out of life and the right to food, shelter, healthcare, and education. The world will not be saved by another toaster or vacuum cleaner. Our environment could be saved by alternate energy cars, cheap enough that people will change over.

What ever the Governments come up with to fix our problems, you know it is going to hurt. Our society is built upon international trade and money. Even to stabilize the local economies, local resources will need support and development, and some one will have to pay, let’s hope it not on the little guy again. At any rate, major changes are going to happen. We don’t pretend to have all the answers we just have one very good idea and a dream. It does not cost you to show your support for the intelligent long term solution; Space exploration and colonization.

The movies industry and actors have budgets and money enough to fund building a ship. Talk about your reality shows, sci-fi shows filmed in space, etc. The grandest adventure of man kind, building an Arch to carry man into the universe. With Captain Dylan Hunt at the helm. That is several life times of filming rights. The tourist industry will be offering trips around the solar system, in 90 days. We can create clocking devises, we can teleport particles, and we have the engine designs, and ship designs. We just need the crystals captain.

All the technology needed to save our sorry butts is available, the smartest minds in mans history exists right now. What is hold them back from stepping up and being heroes in their own right? What is it that stops every one from doing anything; money or courage! Or is it they are unwilling to risk what little they have for the betterment of man kind. I am sure that there are millions of great ideas; we all have one special gift to give and use. Paper work (education) and money stand in the way of most peoples dreams of being a productive member of society. No one dreams of being homeless, it is very scary out there, we have been there. Mean while the Governments and Corporations have us working so hard just to stay alive, with 2 or 3 jobs required just to keep a roof over your head and food, etc. Where do we find the time, never mind the courage to care?

Please all we ask of you is to;
Twit, Share, Like, Comment, Buzz, Yahoo, Digg, etc. what ever you have.
Say yes, Space exploration and colonization.
Thank you.

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