The last seven years we have been working on a project called kattiemc2. Now it is time to build and test a proto-type. It is in the Angel cards that I am about to embark on a grand adventure and under go a test of endurance and instincts. I can not wait to go forth. Wish me luck; you can follow our adventure on:
You-Tube kattiemc2
We are pleased to announce that project kattiemc2, (building a working static model for testing) has begun as of May 1st. The first testing of a working static proto-type is tentatively scheduled for December 2012.
We will be documenting our trials and tribulations on You Tube: kattiemc2.
One mans Quest for the Stars; staring Chris Hughes, Dove Thomas, and Jazzy.
Stage one is to sell everything we own and get a truck and camper. Yes Folks, we will be living without the basic amenities (sticking it to the man), in the heart of the Nelson mountain region, and working in the bustling city of Nelson, BC. So every cent we make can go into materials and equipment, we are on our own with this one.
Departure is scheduled for June 21st. Our final farewell to Calgary will be posted June 30th. See you then.
If you are interested in participating in anyway, skills, knowledge, funds, filming skills or equipment, please email:
Feel free to come and witness history being made.
Dates, time, and place will be announced in November 2012.
Thank you