Saturday, July 2, 2011

June Report

June Report – 1st Month

We started in May going through everything, a three bedroom house; we have to get it all down to one truck load. Everything that is not necessary for survival has to go. We are keeping a few sentimental items, and putting them in storage. We sold most of everything else. We raised enough money for a vehicle, insurance, and registration, to take us home.
We bought a truck May 29th.

That’s when “the powers that be” stepped in. Picked it up on May 31st - On June 3rd - (30km) our chariot died a violent death and almost took us with it. So here we sit, broke and stuck in Calgary. We had a hard decision to make, do we just get our money back or try to make him hold up his written guarantee that the truck was road worthy and inspected. Most people would just get their money back. Morally and ethically we could not just take back our money. The man we bought the truck from is a teacher at a very reputable trade school and he didn’t care about using the schools name to sell the truck or who would get hurt. Not the behavior of a teacher that I would want my kid to learn from.

We admit that we were blind sided by the Government Safety Inspection form, and it was done at a very reputable school. He was very charming, a family man. We are at fault for having any faith or trust in the Government document, the Educational Institute, and in the person he seemed to be. We did not know at the time that he was a teacher at the school or that he was the mechanic that signed the document. We should have looked the truck over more, but how many times do you take a tire off and look at the brakes, or check the valves when you are buying a vehicle. A safety inspection certificate looks at the Steering, tires, brakes, electrical systems and guarantees you all work properly and reliably, or tells you what needs to be fixed. This one passed, according to him.
Ironic is our new word, we have to wonder why  a teacher and engine specialists would sell a vehicle that was set to explode within a short time frame, and explode it would have, if we were driving at 110km instead of 50km. I have never been so scared, and I was the one driving. We did all the normal things and tried to report it to the police, but they said “it was a civil issue, and I would have to verify it was falsified” so I goggled his name, I have never been so shocked, up comes a wonderful photo of him been given an outstanding teacher award.
Is it criminal? Yes, there are a lot of criminal codes that apply, plus several within the insurance act, motor vehicle act and it is also a violation of the code of conduct for a teacher. See – Scammed by a teacher, due to be posted July 5th.

We find it very ironic that two Independent students and researchers, on a quest for Doctrines would get stopped cold by a teacher, not because our project does not have educational merit; no, we get stopped just because he is a dishonest man. Seven years of research, and all the interest we have developed over the last year, at risk. We have no idea when we can leave. Our project for this year will not be happening. As of July 1st, we should have been setting up base camp. There is no way that we can set up base camp in time for winter now, not without a lot of help in labor alone.

We still need to get some new camera equipment, a mobile internet stick, and a new laptop. It is not much, but now we have to get another truck. It could be fun, we don’t have jobs, and we were leaving 2 weeks ago (June 21st). So far our plan  A, B, and C have all failed. D is for dah!!! Now what? See  for our first video report, due to be posted by July 5th, live from an empty house. We stay determined to fight for accountability from the government, police and the mechanics, and our own careers.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Project kattiemc2

The last seven years we have been working on a project called kattiemc2. Now it is time to build and test a proto-type. It is in the Angel cards that I am about to embark on a grand adventure and under go a test of endurance and instincts. I can not wait to go forth. Wish me luck; you can follow our adventure on:
You-Tube kattiemc2

We are pleased to announce that project kattiemc2, (building a working static model for testing) has begun as of May 1st. The first testing of a working static proto-type is tentatively scheduled for December 2012.
We will be documenting our trials and tribulations on You Tube: kattiemc2.
One mans Quest for the Stars; staring Chris Hughes, Dove Thomas, and Jazzy.

Stage one is to sell everything we own and get a truck and camper. Yes Folks, we will be living without the basic amenities (sticking it to the man), in the heart of the Nelson mountain region, and working in the bustling city of Nelson, BC. So every cent we make can go into materials and equipment, we are on our own with this one.
Departure is scheduled for June 21st. Our final farewell to Calgary will be posted June 30th. See you then.

If you are interested in participating in anyway, skills, knowledge, funds, filming skills or equipment, please email:
Feel free to come and witness history being made.

Dates, time, and place will be announced in November 2012.

Thank you

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


My Hero wrote the other day on face book, “We need a hero”
I replied “Is there any Heroes, Knights, or Captains left?

Are you holding your breath for a hero to appear? Every one is looking to someone else to rescue them from their troubles. The world is looking for a Hero or two; with the Japan problem; and it is still releasing lots of radiation into the air, water, and land, and yes, it has raised the radiation levels on the North American Continent. We are in big trouble and no way to fix it. Is it heroic to have an escape plan in place, retreat…, has anyone thought that maybe a good answer would be. The Hero we so desperately need is in each and every one of us. The heart of a hero beats with courage and is fueled by compassion. Could it be the Hero we need is no more than an idea and a dream Kattiemc2?

We could hold industries accountable, make them pay to clean up their mess and pay their taxes - That wouldn’t work because they would threaten to close down and withhold funding to government campaigns, that would mean job lost. - It is better we die of decease due to the mess of pollutions we live in now. Or people would have to give up their cars, which would effects the energy sector. No, that won’t work.

Lets build a big space ship and move industries off the planet, creates jobs, and with the vast amounts of raw materials available in space, lots of money to be made – It wouldn’t work because that would require international corporations and governments to work together. No, it is long term, and it won’t turn a quick buck and we are not done exploiting the earth. Sorry, if that sounds harsh.

With the mess we have made, the intelligent thing to do would be to “Have an escape plan”  build a space ship and move as many as we can carry off the planet and into space to explore and colonize our known universe – Noah’s arch, or in our case Kattiemc2 the Crystal Technology to fuel a ship, Cleanly. It sounds and reads like Science fiction, but it has great usable possibilities. Space exploration would create lots of jobs, in every sector and in every country. It would stabilize the economy and renew hope to the middle class and poor. In the build of the ships, many of the technologies can be converted and use on earth to help clean it up and feed the masses. It would create an industry in space exploration; and effecting stability in many countries. The technologies would allow each country to maintain self efficient local economies. Employing and feeding the local populations, and allowing each country not to be dependent on world trade or fuels, not eliminating it.

Millions of people are jobless, homeless and hungry, a growing problem world wide, and it is causing civil unrest everywhere. The earth its’ self is in a state of unrest with earthquakes and volcanoes. What do you expect when we have exploded over 2000 nuclear bombs on this planet since 1949? The weather driven by the pollution and the pollution itself is costing millions of lives yearly. We build our homes in some of the worst spots on this planet, are we suckers for punishment. Is it due to the greedy, underhanded, corrupt, self motivated candidates that are in government? Is it the war mongering and quest for power at our expense? Most Governments world wide, forget that they are put in power “by the people and for the people,” for our betterment and protection. They are just employees of the Country, State, Provence, City, District etc. They are truthfully accountable to “we the people.”

And last but not least we have become a throw away society. Ever thing we do is made to be thrown away. If it lasts more than five years, it won’t make a big enough profit, for a few of the elite. I say a few because only 1 % of the population has the money to do anything about it; we have priced ourselves out of life and the right to food, shelter, healthcare, and education. The world will not be saved by another toaster or vacuum cleaner. Our environment could be saved by alternate energy cars, cheap enough that people will change over.

What ever the Governments come up with to fix our problems, you know it is going to hurt. Our society is built upon international trade and money. Even to stabilize the local economies, local resources will need support and development, and some one will have to pay, let’s hope it not on the little guy again. At any rate, major changes are going to happen. We don’t pretend to have all the answers we just have one very good idea and a dream. It does not cost you to show your support for the intelligent long term solution; Space exploration and colonization.

The movies industry and actors have budgets and money enough to fund building a ship. Talk about your reality shows, sci-fi shows filmed in space, etc. The grandest adventure of man kind, building an Arch to carry man into the universe. With Captain Dylan Hunt at the helm. That is several life times of filming rights. The tourist industry will be offering trips around the solar system, in 90 days. We can create clocking devises, we can teleport particles, and we have the engine designs, and ship designs. We just need the crystals captain.

All the technology needed to save our sorry butts is available, the smartest minds in mans history exists right now. What is hold them back from stepping up and being heroes in their own right? What is it that stops every one from doing anything; money or courage! Or is it they are unwilling to risk what little they have for the betterment of man kind. I am sure that there are millions of great ideas; we all have one special gift to give and use. Paper work (education) and money stand in the way of most peoples dreams of being a productive member of society. No one dreams of being homeless, it is very scary out there, we have been there. Mean while the Governments and Corporations have us working so hard just to stay alive, with 2 or 3 jobs required just to keep a roof over your head and food, etc. Where do we find the time, never mind the courage to care?

Please all we ask of you is to;
Twit, Share, Like, Comment, Buzz, Yahoo, Digg, etc. what ever you have.
Say yes, Space exploration and colonization.
Thank you.

Thursday, March 31, 2011




1st – Produce investors and entice industry to produce kattiemc2.

2nd – raise 5,000.00 plus for simulations and to build a prototype for marketing.

3rd – Form an Organic Super Computer (Think-tank) for implementations for earth and space.

4th – Form an international Corporation for Space Exploration Technologies and Designs for Space.

5th – Form a Coalition of the United Nations for Space Exploration, Exploitation, and Colonization.

6th – Create Clean New Industry and Clean New Technology
 For Long-term Jobs. (500 year plan, plus)

7th – Build a large science and exploration starship.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

We need your voice and help

The only thing missing from Star Trek is the ship.
And “The Crystals Captain”
(See:     - The crystals.

For Simplicity’s sake the report on Kattiemc2 has been reviewed by The Science and Energy Department of the Canadian Federal Government. The theories and theorems have been confirmed to be expressed correctly by an independent physicist, and found to be design, material, and containment dependent. Kattiemc2 is presently being reviewed by an independent Aerospace engineer, and he is very excited.

We have been working on Kattiemc2 for seven years. Now we must generate the interest and funds in building Kattiemc2, but she also needs a ship. This will create jobs for all in 5 or 10 years, even in the entertainment sector (Movie rights). We must generate interest with the general public, for with their support, we hope to instilling cooperation between countries, governments, and corporations/industry, in one very large space project, dare we hope?
A movement for Space exploration is on. Let’s colonize space.

This is not Science Fiction anymore. We have all the technological knowledge required, we have all the designs and plans for spaceships present and futuristic, and there are numerous designs that already exist for the jet engines required. This is not sci-fi; we are presently working on matter/antimatter engines. We have Electromagnetic propulsion, Gravity/anti-gravity propulsion, and Photon propulsions. We can do this.

We are living in a time, in which we are the highest educated era in history. We are in the information age, and we are smart, and we have some great ideas. All the Technology needed to complete this project is already available. If we just pull together, and put aside greed, we can achieve greatness for human kind. If that sounds over the top, just look at what we are up against here on earth.

We need your support, in more ways than one.
Add your voice by sharing:
Or twitter kattiemc2
Donations will also be appreciated

We are also available for lectures and presentations.
Book now at

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Attention all Sci-Fi fans

Attention: All Sci-fi (trek) fans,
Actors and Actresses,
Directors, Producers, Writers, Media,
And the Rich and Famous.
Most of all to “The common man with a dream.”
A movement for Space exploration is on. Let’s colonize space.

We ask that you support an international space project.
Building space ships, for tourists and movie creations. A platform for Reality footage of the inner workings and problems inherent with a project of this size. The designs and advancements can then be converted to mining platforms for a new in industry in Space exploration and science, which will allow us to remove industry from the planet, and create new technologies for cleaning and revitalize our home. Earth.

We are living in a time, in which we are the highest educated generation in history. We are in the information age, and we are smart, and we have some great ideas, and many have no or little means. If we just pull together, and put aside greed, we can achieve anything. The Scientific standards states, the only difference between virtual and material is the amount of energy applied. The difference between a dream and reality is the energy and work applied.

From Early man, the earth was flat and we were the center of the universe.
To modern man who dreamed of flying like the birds.
Now we have planes, jets, rocket ships, and space stations.

Scientists and Engineers did this, Oh, wait the Wright Brothers were not engineers or scientists. The Movie and TV industry have a rare power over the masses, so many of your dreams you shared with us, have become reality. Your visions and your presentation of them, is what sparked scientists and engineers into making one. We are asking you to
Take one more step.

We need your help and financial support, your theories and designs, because;
The only thing missing from Star Trek is the ship.
And “The Crystals Captain” or “ZPM”

We see our world is in trouble in so many ways. We do not claim to have all the answers, but together we could come up with one. We have a vision of Space and the grand adventures it can offer. We feel it is the answer to most of the world’s problems on the long term scale, a project like this it will take years to complete. Mr. Bill Gates, Mr. Richard Branson, Ms W. Ophra. You have the power.  It will be worth it, due to the possible raw resources from the other planets in our own solar system that can be mined and processed, and the money that can be made, with contracts, shares, stocks, and excusive footage rights, etc. And last but not lest the knowledge we could gain in all fields of science.

We were raised in the space age, rockets to the moon, Space adventure shows, that inspired the imaginations of scientists, engineers and the inventors, now we have the capability to create cloaking devices; we have cell phones, satellites, and space station.

We have all the technological knowledge, we have all the designs and plans for spaceships present and futuristic, and there are numerous designs that already exist for the jet engines required. This is not sci-fi; we are presently working on matter/antimatter engines. We have Electromagnetic propulsion, Gravity/anti-gravity propulsion, and Photon propulsions. We can do this.

All Producers like; Majel Roddenberry, George Lukas, Peter Deluise, MGM, Universal, Fox, etc. Think of the specials and documentaries that could be created with a project of this size, it would endless. The excusive right to the story of creating and building “mans last hope for salvation” (Noah’s Arch). Science fiction has already created some of the largest steps that man kind has ever made. If you think that is over the top, look what the world is up against. You can make it happen.

We have the dream, and “The Crystals Captain” or “ZPM”

Full - Discloser
We do not want to handle any funds or the right to award any of the contracts; your industries are better qualified to handle that. We are asking your help to raise $ ½ million, for the required computer simulations of; the construction of the containment unit, and the building of one of our crystals. All we will initially require is a small team of aerospace engineers and computer techs, and just one man or women to believe in the dream and the movie rights.

We feel this technology should not belong to any one man, corporation, or government.
Don’t get us wrong, we are not out to save the human race. We want off this planet. We intend that all royalties’ from this technology will go to Education, Food, Shelter, and Health care. A bribe to the ferry man.

We do want;
-1 very comfortable, fully loaded, science and exploration spaceship.
-Full and complete autonomy over the whole project.
-We will also require a paycheck. To set an example, no need for greed,
             We will take 25,000 per year, each.

You can post your comment and support at
Twitter: kattiemc2

A movement for Space exploration is on. Let’s colonize space.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

We need your help

We ask that you support an international space project. In building  space ships, for tourists and mining platforms for  a new in industry in Space exploration and science, which will allow us to remove industry from the planet, and create new technologies for cleaning and revitalize our home. Earth.

New industries must be created in:
Environmental Science and Technologies.
Space exploration to get industry and mining off the planet.

Space exploration is the only true frontier left to explore.
This is the only industry left to open up; the world does not need another toaster or vacuum cleaner.

Infrastructure is a temporary employment fix.
Due to weather, and the pollution that drives it,
Our Safe food and clean air are in great danger.

From Early man, the earth was flat and we were the center of the universe. To modern man who dreamed of flying like the birds.
Now we have planes, jets and rocket ships, and space stations.

Scientists did all this, Science has saved us many times in the past, it is time to save us yet again, and we are asking you to
Take one more step.

We need your help and support, your theories and designs, because;
The only thing missing from Star Trek is the ship.
And “the crystals Captain”                                           

We see our world is in trouble in many ways. We do not have all the answers, but together we do. We have a vision of Space and the grand adventures it can offer. We feel it is the answer to most of our problems on the long term scale, for a project like this it will take years to complete. It will be worth it, due to the possible raw resources from the other planets in our own solar system that can be mined and processed, and the money that can be made, with contracts, shares, stocks, etc. And last but not lest the knowledge we could gain in all fields of science.

We were raised in the space age, rockets to the moon, Space adventure shows, that inspired the imaginations of scientists, engineers and the inventors, now we have the capability to create cloaking devices; we have cell phones, satellites, and space station.

We have all the technological knowledge, we have all the designs and plans for spaceships present and futuristic, and there are numerous designs that already exist for the jet engines required.

The first to be employed will be the scientist, for feasibility studies, then Committees or collations’ will need to be formed, submissions of theories and designs, and environmental feasibility studies and implementing chosen designs, and the engine designs, Cost controls, contracts, etc. (JOBS)

This is not sci-fi; we are presently working on matter/antimatter engines. We have Electromagnetic propulsion, Gravity/anti-gravity propulsion, and Photon propulsions. We can do this.

There are more than 1 Million scientists on the planet. That is the combined IQ of more than, a billion or more. No insult intended to any ones intelligences. With at lest one good idea and theory, each, we too have a design and theory to put forth, for space explorations
The world would stand behind you, if you would “Stand as one.” Make your forefathers in science be proud. Show the world that you have the same courage and fortitude as the greats before you, like Einstein, Galileo, etc.

Canada doesn’t have a space program, we only deal with robotic arms, great I am proud of Canada’s achievements, but we need to do more. Canada should be the first country to build space ships. Industry is dying; our markets are flooded with trivial products. Patients on products and technology have become only for the very rich corporations. Anyone with a good idea has to compete with millions of twitter users, just to get a little attention.

I know there are LOTS of people that dream about space and hope that someday we could go out there, not just skim the edges ( for 200,000 a ride) no offence, but I want more. I would like to see our precious industry moved off the planet. That alone would bring down our pollution levels down by over half. (Just a guess). The point being that, the money aside, there would be jobs for every walk of life and every field of science.

 Jobs would be created for all, and would even instill cooperation between countries, do we dare hope?

We are living in a time, in which we are the highest educated generation in history. We are in the information age, and we are smart, and we have some great ideas, and many have no or little means. If we just pull together, and put aside greed, we can achieve greatness for human kind. If that sounds over the top, just look at what we are up against.

A movement for Space exploration is on. Let’s colonize space.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Intro to Kattiemc2

The point of creation, KǺΠİΣmc2
Energy for the brave new world of Space exploration
(E=mc2) (2cm=E) / π R2  

Theory and Design by Chris Hughes.
Researched and Composed by Dove Thomas.

KǺΠİΣ stands for Kinetic atoms, theories and theorems, ions and electrons. Not much of a name but the potential for clean energy with a very wide variety of possible uses. KǺΠİΣ is a “Quantum entangled temporal machine” or a “Quantum computer” (intelligent energy) the theories and theorems (unified) applied to a mechanical machine; everything is relative to the operations of the system. Some of our analogies are very dangerous statements of similarities. The design comes from nature itself, tested, observed, and experimented upon.

Kepler's habit was to rummage through the observations of his predecessors, to look at them in all lights, and thus distil from them the principles which united them.
In writing and researching this report the following fields where investigated and quoted straight from the accepted science books and from research all ready done by the Greats in their fields. The non-liner design is based on the one shape that is universal. The Sphere!

It’s just one more step.

The theories and theorems researched.
I left no stone unturned that science (over 62 fields) and all the observed world has to offer, in support of the design and theory. From how the material is mined and where, to the molding the spheres, really matters on the quantum scale. The human elements are imbedded in all we do. The second part of this report will look at the problems and implications of a project of this size.

The Drake Equation

N=is the number of communicating civilizations in the Milky Way Galaxy.
R* = is the rate of formations of suitable stars
fp = is the fraction of those stars that have planets
ne = is the average number of suitable planets around a star
fl = is the fraction of those planets that develop life (dependant on how life originates)
fi = is the fraction of those planets with intelligent life
ft = is the fraction of such planets with a civilization that communicates
L = is the average life time of such a civilization

R* is the only one that can have a numerical value, the rest of the equation awaits further space explorations.

Einstein - “Dreamed of riding on a beam of light.”

Einstein – “But the years of anxious searching in the dark, with their intense longing, their alterations of confidence and exhaustion, and the final emergence into the light. Only those who have experienced it can understand it.”

Einstein - “Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds”

The factors involved in movement are, direction, density, mass, shape, elasticity, heat, pressure, volume, time and the forces it is subjected to. Perpetual motion is the quantum mechanical model of the atom; it pictures electrons hopping back and forth from orbital level to another, absorbing and emitting photos constantly. A basic multi-level, perpetual machine, very similar to a resonator spherical cavity carrying information and energy in four dimensions of space and time.

The key to the scientific method is: All ideas must be tested by experiment or by observation of the natural world, but the observer and the mathematic only taint the results. A closed system removes both, the observer and the mathematics involved in a highly complex yet simple system.
The mathematics involved is to be based on about 60 known unpredictable variable, forces, and interactions. A scientific law is an attempt to describe, concisely one aspect of nature. Therefore, scientific laws are usually limited in their applicability; they may be modified or rejected based on new findings. All the science has been tested by experiment and observations many times and on these elements. Using light, harmonics, magnetic, gravity, geometry, and thermodynamics, under specific conditions to produce the energy in this system. Everything is connected by 6 degrees of separation. Everything in the universe starts with one atom at a time, in time (10 billion of a trillion of a second).

The way we use and abuse energy and waste materials (pollution and garbage) has to change for society to survive the next 50 years, we will have to look at the radical thinkers and science fiction a little closer (the cell phone). Hope and creativity must be encouraged and supported and not just for the young, wisdom has its merits as well, if we are to find a better way. Money and politics now are the only things that stand in the way of true progress and the abdominal need to go forth. This planet can no longer support our numbers. We are an intelligent species. The stars are there for all social levels of the human race to reach for, and have a purpose in the exploration there of, or we can face the eventual extinction of the human race by our own hand or by the mere accidental selection of the universe itself. (Copenhagen theory and the Maya calendar.) 

Art and Science

Art and science are usually contrasted as polar opposites. One subjective and explorative, and the other objective and inventive. Science is impressed by examples of organized (self organizing) complexity.
Art is an example of intricately organized complexity, which results in a concatenation of mental events of unfathomable complexity. Mathematics is but a highly regarded form of highly abstract art.
Music is the closest branch of art which has a close link to science and technology; because it possesses a similar spectral pattern to the many natural sound sequences of natural symmetries that convey important information of nature itself.
The importance for creative thinking of the domain, where art and science merge has been emphasized by the great philosophers-scientists of the 20th century, Bohr, Einstein and Poincare. For in their research the boundaries between disciplines are often dissolved and proceed neither deductively through logic nor inductively through the exclusive use of the empirical data, but by visual thinking and aesthetics.

KǺΠİΣ is an atom right down to the subatomic, a gyroscopic mechanical machine. A quantum entangled temporal machine, the shells are harmonically tunes for stability. The materials were picked for their structure and superconductivity properties. The analogies of the system are dangerous statements of similarities, but like the variables are infinite. If all matter has anti-matter then all forces have an anti-force.
C Weizmann (1874-1952) “It is surprising to note how many thinkers and scientists, some quite prominent, resort to the word “impossible,” the impossible just takes longer”.
Ionian Democritus 5th century BC. “Everything is composed of tiny particles called atoms from the Greek word of indivisible.”

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Why is it that society now dictates how intelligent some one is, only by there level of education. For instants in science the last outsider allowed in to the loving arms of the world of physics is Faraday. Einstein, Newton and many more, didn’t have a degree, they were taken on there knowledge and accepted as intelligent. Einstein did his best work as a patient clerk. After six years of research in 60 plus fields of science, and to answer your questions: Mr. Minister of Energy; No, the science does not have any contradictions, it speaks volumes in cooperation. NASA, Yes, our atom is stable at room temperature, once complete.

Science is about figuring out how this or that works, technology figures out how to use it. The problem is the amount of education required for a project like ours would take twenty years to accumulate, and millions of dollars. The freedom of information acts provided the information for this project, free. Yes, dependent on how you use it, the problem is to get corporations and governments to listen.

Our project information has been verified, my mathematical are express correctly, and the theories quoted are also express correctly. The design has been done before, on a much small scale, called the spherical compacter, scientifically proven to work. Magnetic memory bubbles have been made. We are simply taking or using all the science we know and all the technology we already have and combining them. It is an intelligent engine, designed for space (big).

That’s were the trouble starts, Canada doesn’t have a space program, we only deal with robotic arms, great I am proud of Canada’s achievements, but we need to do something to open this up. Canada should be the first country to build space ships. Industry is dying; our markets are flooded with useless products, which just fill our land sites. Patients on products have become, legalized theft, or only for the rich corporations. Anyone with a good idea has to compete with millions of twitter users, just to get a little attention,
and forget youtube if you don’t sing or dance.

 The over all population has grown to the point, that no one really has a direction or worth in society. When was the last time anyone felt secure in there job, when was the last time you said I love my job, I feel like I am making a difference. I know there are LOTS of people that dream about space and hope that someday we could go out there, not just skim the edges ( for 200,000 a ride) no offence, but I want more. I would like to see our precious industry moved off the planet. That alone would bring down our pollution levels down by over half. (Just a guess). The point being that, the money aside (everything boils down to money) there would be jobs for every walk of life. Our children would actually have a future, possibly even a clean planet to live on.

I know we all feel it is our God given right to have a car, fine, but we have to stop using fossil fuels the way we are. Hybrid are available, do we need legislation to tell us in 5 years, there will be NO fossil fuel cars allowed. Oh no, that would damage the economy, especially in Alberta, Oil capital. Don’t worry, start changing over now, and avoid the crush. Nothing will ever get done if we don’t even start, yes some of it might hurt. Buck-up.

Alberta would make a great place to set up a ship building industry. Jobs would be created for all, contracts for other industries, even instilling cooperation between countries, do we dare hope? A movement for Space exploration is on. Let’s colonize space.