June Report – 1st Month
We started in May going through everything, a three bedroom house; we have to get it all down to one truck load. Everything that is not necessary for survival has to go. We are keeping a few sentimental items, and putting them in storage. We sold most of everything else. We raised enough money for a vehicle, insurance, and registration, to take us home.
We bought a truck May 29th.
That’s when “the powers that be” stepped in. Picked it up on May 31st - On June 3rd - (30km) our chariot died a violent death and almost took us with it. So here we sit, broke and stuck in Calgary. We had a hard decision to make, do we just get our money back or try to make him hold up his written guarantee that the truck was road worthy and inspected. Most people would just get their money back. Morally and ethically we could not just take back our money. The man we bought the truck from is a teacher at a very reputable trade school and he didn’t care about using the schools name to sell the truck or who would get hurt. Not the behavior of a teacher that I would want my kid to learn from.
We admit that we were blind sided by the Government Safety Inspection form, and it was done at a very reputable school. He was very charming, a family man. We are at fault for having any faith or trust in the Government document, the Educational Institute, and in the person he seemed to be. We did not know at the time that he was a teacher at the school or that he was the mechanic that signed the document. We should have looked the truck over more, but how many times do you take a tire off and look at the brakes, or check the valves when you are buying a vehicle. A safety inspection certificate looks at the Steering, tires, brakes, electrical systems and guarantees you all work properly and reliably, or tells you what needs to be fixed. This one passed, according to him.
Ironic is our new word, we have to wonder why a teacher and engine specialists would sell a vehicle that was set to explode within a short time frame, and explode it would have, if we were driving at 110km instead of 50km. I have never been so scared, and I was the one driving. We did all the normal things and tried to report it to the police, but they said “it was a civil issue, and I would have to verify it was falsified” so I goggled his name, I have never been so shocked, up comes a wonderful photo of him been given an outstanding teacher award.
Is it criminal? Yes, there are a lot of criminal codes that apply, plus several within the insurance act, motor vehicle act and it is also a violation of the code of conduct for a teacher. See www.youtube.com/DoveLJ – Scammed by a teacher, due to be posted July 5th.
We find it very ironic that two Independent students and researchers, on a quest for Doctrines would get stopped cold by a teacher, not because our project does not have educational merit; no, we get stopped just because he is a dishonest man. Seven years of research, and all the interest we have developed over the last year, at risk. We have no idea when we can leave. Our project for this year will not be happening. As of July 1st, we should have been setting up base camp. There is no way that we can set up base camp in time for winter now, not without a lot of help in labor alone.
We still need to get some new camera equipment, a mobile internet stick, and a new laptop. It is not much, but now we have to get another truck. It could be fun, we don’t have jobs, and we were leaving 2 weeks ago (June 21st). So far our plan A, B, and C have all failed. D is for dah!!! Now what? See www.youtube.com/kattiemc2 for our first video report, due to be posted by July 5th, live from an empty house. We stay determined to fight for accountability from the government, police and the mechanics, and our own careers.
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